Sunday 31 July 2016

10 Suicidal Signs in People

It takes a person that has experienced true love to write a compelling romance novel. It takes someone that knows a lot about stocks to write a book about stocks. It takes...Hope you get my drift? The reason I was moved to write this article is because when ever a new suicide case pops up, the people closest to the person that killed himself/herself always say things like, 'Tommy could never kill himself; there has to be some foul play behind this.' 'He was so happy. Why did he kill himself.' 'We didn't see any signs.'

The truth is, there are always signs. No one ups and kills himself without having shown tendencies of doing so before. Sometimes it might be one big damaging event that might make them commit suicide. Or, it might be overwhelming accumulated problems which caused the depression, which later led to suicide. Either case, there are always signs before hand. No matter how subtly the signs might be, they always leave signs along the way. The person might show majority of the signs below, or just one or two signs, but I am positive any suicidal person would show at least one of the 10 signs listed below. If you could recognize them in a friend or family member, you could save a life.

1.  Anger
Someone getting angry over little things is a clear sign that that person is most likely fighting an internal battle. Look deeper, and the person might be depressed and fighting suicidal thoughts.  

2.  They Show Little Enthusiasm to Life
When you notice someone doesn't get enthusiastic about life anymore. Nothing excites him or her, even the things that once excited them.

7 Advantages of Abstinence- For Men

Let's not fool ourselves, most guys in their 20s or even late teens have regular casual sex, so I am not here to preach total abstinence from sex. I am here to speak on the benefits of abstaining from sex for a period of time (maybe 4-8 weeks) and then going back to it. The benefits are enormous. Oh, and to the ladies, I am a guy, so I can't authoritatively speak on the benefits for females, that is why this article is just for men.

The abstinence I am talking about is- no form of sexual acts at all; no penetration sex and no masturbation of any sort. You have to retain that sexual energy...retain your juice. So, that means, no pornography; whether via pics, video, or even literature.

Below are 7 advantages of abstinence- for men.

1.  Mastering Self Control
There are a lot of men that can't control their sexual urges out there. I mean, well respectable men in the society like priests, pastors, teachers, professors, and bankers who get into one sexual scandal or the other because of lack of self control. I am sure you have read the countless stories; they flood social media daily. The problem is that if you don't learn self control as a man, you are at high risk of getting involved in a messy sex scandal case.

Practicing temporal abstinence from sex will help you build self control. Once you can train your mind to say NO to sex when your body is craving it badly, you will start to build up a strong self control when it comes to matters concerning sex. And the best way to do that is to set a time frame in which you would not have sex even if the opportunity presents itself. It is very hard to practice total celibacy (that's why catholic priests keep getting involved in one sexual scandal or the other), but temporal abstinence of 1-3 months is very achievable. I like to be very realistic.

Saturday 30 July 2016

Top 10 Most Expensive Cars in the World

While I keep working on how I would get my dream car, a snow-white Mercedes Benz G Wagon, it won't hurt to put up this post of the top 10 most expensive cars in the world. Pronouncing some of the car names can cause you to bight your tongue.

10. Lamborghini Sesto Elemento ($2.2 million)

9.  Bugatti Chiron ($2.5 million)

Friday 29 July 2016

Top 10 Most Muscular Hollywood Actors of the Last 30 Years

See, I am a skinny guy, right, but there was one time I was buff. Yes, I'm serious. lol! I was in the University and there was this indefinite strike, so I was always bored to death at home. One day, I deiced to start lifting iron. Nope, not at the gym, but in my backyard. I was lifting the metal thingy of our well...the part that you turn around and around to bring the bucket of water up from the well. In three months, my body was ripped. I had it great with the ladies at the time, then I got lazy and got skinny again. I have been struggling to get that body again, but I have been short of luck. lol! That's why I respect people that were disciplined enough to build up muscles. Cos, trust me, it takes discipline.

So, today I have decided to showcase the top 10 most muscular Hollywood actors of the last 30 years. Yea, I know the ladies will love this.

Thursday 28 July 2016

8 Reasons Why I Prefer Older James Bond Movies to Newer Ones

Before I start, please note that it is clear from the article title that this is based on MY OPINION. I am not saying older James Bond movies are better than the newer ones. In fact, Roger Moore (who is my favorite to play the James Bond role) picked Daniel Craig over Sean Connery as the best to have played the role of the Ian Flemming character, James Bond.

 My take on the whole thing is that, I feel the newer Bond movies are great movies, they just ain't great BOND MOVIES to me. They don't have the ingredients that fascinated me and kept me longing for a new James Bond movie back in the 80s and 90s. I see the new Bond movies with Daniel Craig as great espionage movies, with great plot and action, but not just great bond movies.

Below are 8 reasons why I prefer older James Bond movies to the newer ones.

8.  The Exotic Cars
In Skyfall, they had to use the same Aston Martin that was used in Gold Finger (1964). The Daniel Craig movies don't really have the exotic cars in them. It doesn't give it that James Bond feeling.

Friday 22 July 2016

Top 15 People with the Highest Followers on Instagram (2016)

Instagram is a picture sharing App/Website, and it is very hip among the new generation. Everyone wants to know who is the most interesting or the most followed, so they can follow that person. Funny enough, I thought one of the Kardashians/Jenners would be the celebrity with the highest numbers of followers on Instagram...I was highly shocked at the number one most followed person on Instagram. Yea, she is popular, but she definitely isn't as popular as Kim Kardashian.

Anyway, lets get right to it. Below are the top 15 celebrities with the highest followers on Instagram.

15. Lionel Messi
29 year old Argentine professional footballer, Lionel Messi (who also plays for football club- FC Barcelona) is the 15th most followed person on Instagram. He has 48.9 million followers.

14.  Katy Perry
American pop singer, Katy Perry comes in at number 14 most popular person on Instagram with 52.8 million followers.

13.  Khloe Kardashian
Obviously, the Kardashian/Jenner clique are all over this list. Kim's younger sister, Khloe Kardashian has 53.1 million followers on Instagram, and that makes her the 13th most popular individual on Instagram.

12.  Neymar Jr.
Another footballer to make the list is Brazilian football star (who also plays for FC Barcelona), Neymar da Silva Santos Junior. He has 54.8 million followers.

11.  The Rock
Wrestler turned professional actor, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson is the number 11 on the list with 60 million strong followers.

10.  Nicki Minaj
The current queen of rap music, sexy Nicki Minaj is at the number 10 spot. She has 61.3 million followers on Instagram.

9.  Kendall Jenner
Kim Kardashian's half sister, Kendall Jenner comes in at number 9 with 61.8 million followers.

8.  Kylie Jenner
Kendall's younger sister, Kylie Jenner is up next with 68.2 million followers.

7.  Cristiano Ronaldo
31 year old Portuguese professional footballer, Cristiano Ronaldo is up at the number 7 spot. Ronaldo also plays for Spanish football club, Real Madrid. He has 69.5 million followers on Instagram.

6.  Justin Bieber
The prince of pop music, Justin Bieber has a whooping 75.5 million followers on Instagram.

5.  Kim Kardashian
The sexy queen of controversy, married to Kanye West, the king of controversy is number 5 on the list. Kim has 77.6 million followers.

4.  Beyonce
The most successful R&B singer of recent times, Beyonce is the number 4 on the list with 78.8 million followers.

3.  Ariana Grande
Petite Mariah Carey sound alike, singer, Ariana Grande has 79.5 million followers.

2.  Taylor Swift
Super successful pop singer, Taylor Swift is the number two on our list with 86.2 million followers.

1.  Selena Gomez
And the winner is...drum rolls!!! Shy, singer/actress, Selena Gomez. Who would have thought, right? Could it be because she used to date Justin Bieber. Well, I don't know, but I never expected she would be the number one most popular person on Instagram. As of right now, 3:35 pm Western Sahara Time, Selena Gomez has 90.8 million followers on Instagram. That's more than all the people in Germany.

Monday 18 July 2016

Top Ten Mind Stimulants/Sources of Inspiration

Today, I am going to be talking about the top ten ways in which you can stimulate your mind and be more inspired to do whatever you do; whether you are a creative person or you do physical work. That is, ways you can gain inspiration to do a better job. These are ways in which you can boost the human mind/brain to do a faster job, or a more quality job.

According to Napoleon Hill, in his book, Think and Grow Rich, below are the ten mind stimuli every human being can work with. Please note that not all of them are good ways, but they are what they are, mind stimulants.

1.  Fear
Although negative, fear speeds up the human mind and makes the person experiencing the fear think faster and in a more heightened state. Think of how calculative cheats become when plotting ways in which they could cheat on their partners without getting caught. Or, think of how calculative a rich man (who has once tasted poverty) would be with his money, because of the fear of being broke again. Fear of an eminent attack will also speed up any man's mind in coming up with the best way to defend himself.

2.  Auto-Suggestion
Auto-Suggestion is when you suggest something to you mind by repeating the thing over and over again. For example, if you say this out loud many times every day- 'I am a very successful man'- you mind might not take it as a truth at first (that is if you aren't already successful), but after hearing it over and over, it will sink into your subconscious mind, and then your mind will be stimulated to find the best way to make you a success at whatever you do.

Saturday 16 July 2016

The Faults in Our Stars

No one walking this earth surface is perfect. Everyone is flawed, one way or the other. I think our imperfections make us human. Also, accepting your imperfections and building on your strengths makes you stronger. All achievers and stars have one fault or the other. Today, I want to take time and write about some of the faults in some of the biggest superstars of our time.

#R.Kelly is arguable the biggest R&B singer of our time, but his flaw is that he likes little girls. I don't want to use the word pedophile to describe, but that is close to what he is. In 1994, when he was 27 and Aaliyah was just 15 years old, he had a strong intimate relationship with her. They were even married at a point, but Aaliyah's parents got the the marriage annulled on the grounds that Aaliyah was not yet an adult at the time.

In later years, around the early 2000s, R.Kelly was charged to court for having sex with a 14 year old girl. There was a video evidence to this charge, but Kelly got off the case cos the video was blurry, and his face wasn't clear.

Thursday 14 July 2016

Top 10 Highest Selling Superhero Movies of All Time

To all the superhero movie fans out there, I have taken time to compile ten of the biggest superhero movies in Hollywood history. Checkout the list below.

10.  Spider-Man 2 (2004)- $783 million

 9.  Spider-Man (2002)- $821 million

8. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)- $872 million

7.  Spider-Man 3 (2007)- $890 million

6.  The Dark Night (2008)- $1 billion

5.  The Dark Night Rises (2012)- $1 billion

4.  Captain America: Civil War (2016)- $1.1 billion

3.  Iron Man 3 (2013)- $1.2 billion

2.  Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)- $1.4 billion

1.  Marvel's The Avengers (2012)- $1.5 billion

Please note that the figures represent what the movies grossed worldwide, and not in America alone.

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Top 6 Biggest Selling Movies of 2016 So Far

We have crossed the half-mark of the year, and I thought it would be cool to list the top 6 biggest selling movies of 2016 so far. By the way, when I say biggest selling, I mean highest grossing at the box office. The figures I used to rank them are based on global sales, and not American sales alone. Okay, let's kick off with number 6 on the list.

6.  Finding Dory ($644 million)
Coincidentally, I just watched this movie last night. It made me really long for its prequel, Finding Nemo, which is one of my best animation movies of all time. Dory played a major part in helping Nemo's Dad find Nemo in Finding Nemo, and in this movie, she is on a quest to find her own parents. A very funny and emotional movie. Ellen Degeneres is the one behind Dory's voice in the movie (and in Finding Nemow too). I think this (along with other elements) helped with the movie do so well. By the way, Finding Nemo is the 35th biggest selling movie of all time, with  a global gross of 936 million in ticket sales.

Okay, back to Finding Dory. The movie was released on the 17th of June, just about four weeks ago. It is barely one month old and it has already sold so many tickets. It has currently grossed 644 million in ticket sales globally, and would definitely hit the 700 million mark in a few weeks.

Monday 11 July 2016

Is It a Must to Marry?

I just got off a date with a girl I got hooked up with by a mutual friend, and I feel so low in spirit. Every thing was going okay till she asked of my age. I told her, and the expression on her face was that of someone that had just seen an alien. Then came the endless questions..."Why ain't you married?" "Why don't you have a steady girlfriend?" "Why are you still single in your 30s?" Oh my God! I wanted to shoot myself. Why is it a must for a young man or woman to be married at a certain age in Africa? Yea, I know there are loads of benefits in marrying early. But what if the individual in question has some plans and has to sacrifice the beauty of early marriage for something else? Why must you make that person feel like there is something wrong with him or her?