Showing posts with label intelligence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label intelligence. Show all posts

Sunday, 8 January 2017

Being Lazy Can Be a Sign of High Intelligence

I don't mean to say every lazy person you meet is intelligent, but I believe that being lazy can be a sign that the lazy person is high in intellect. He/she would rather look for an easier way to do something (which might seem to society as being lazy), and in the process, he/she might innovate something new, or create a new technology.

Lazy people would always question the status quo. Lazy people obviously hate "unnecessary" hard-work, and would always find a way of working less. Now, if that lazy person is also very passionate about finding an easier way of doing things, he might spend less time doing physical work/activities, but would be spending more time doing a lot of brain-work. This might seem lazy to the onlooker, but if what the aggregates of thoughts from that lazy man's brain comes up with is a life changing invention for mankind, then his laziness is more useful than the hard-work of a 100 men.

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