'Strength is built by one's failures, not by one's successes.' -Nina Simone
There is a misconception out there that geniuses are born and not made; that successful people are specially blessed people and that only specially blessed people can become successful; that rich people are lucky. All these beliefs are not so true. No one was born to be so and so, it is the little things they did (consistently) along the way that made them who they eventually became...The the things that they were exposed to, or what people around them made them believe was a possibility, or their own desires to be somebody that made them who they are.
I have compiled a list of famous people that were once considered failures. A list of people that were written-off and told they couldn't amount to anything, but went on to be famous for their extraordinary achievements.

6. Oprah Winfrey was demoted from her job as a news anchor because her employers believed she wasn't fit for television.
5. Thomas Edison was told by one of his teachers that he was too stupid to learn anything, and that he should go into a field where he might succeed by virtue of his pleasant personality.

3. Walt Disney was fired from a Newspaper company for lacking imagination and having no original ideas.
2. The first time I saw Vincent Van Gogh's paintings on the Internet, and heard about how much they cost, I thought to myself, 'this man must have been specially blessed by God himself.' The truth is, Van Gogh lived a life of failure, and was a depressed man. He also suffered from bipolar disorder most of his adult life. In fact, he only sold one painting while he was alive, and that was to his friend. Today, years after his death, his painting are worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

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